Just Booky Things

Future Friday #soontoberead

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. —George Orwell, 1984 (1949)

It is actually a bright and cold day in April, however the clocks are not striking thirteen. It is currently 5:09 pm.

Today I welcome you all with a new ‘meme’. It’s Future Friday! Today I will welcome you all with books that I am planning to read in the future. Most of these are YA Novels, however there is one classic that I am sure you might be able to guess already from the quote above. I’m so clever, aren’t I?

The List:


George Orwell

Genre: Utopian/Distopian Fiction, Political Fiction, Social Science Fiction (whatever that means!)

First on this list is a pretty obvious one, 1984 by George Orwell. I’ve been planning to read this for a veeeery long time. Honestly, I’ve just been planning to read a classic because y’know, everyone needs to read a classic once in a while. Plus it makes you think more deeply about life. I don’t care if that sounds cheesy–it’s the truth.


Neal Shusterman

Genre: Dystopia, YA, Horror

Oooh lookie an award!! And the cover has me falling head over heels! ❤

First of all, the movement feel in the cover makes me crave to just touch it, and I really just want to read it RIGHT NOW, but I have a ton of other books to finish and return to the library. Sooo those get priority. But I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good that after I finish all the library books, this will be the first one I grab. Its based in the future when humans have conquered poverty, racism, war, and death (which is pretty rad tbh) and so to control the population the ‘Scythes’ were created. To find out more, there’s a multiple reviews/summaries online (and I also might write a review on here too in the future)

The Winners Curse

Marie Rutkoski

Genre: Historical, Fantasy, YA

I love Historical fiction. I love Fantasy. I love Young Adult novels. That’s basically all there is to it.


Kat Rosenfeld

Genre: Young Adult

Honestly? It reminds me of the Old Man and the Sea (which is an amazing book btw!) except it’s geared towards teens. The cover is a bit off-putting (I don’t like the yellow) but the summary kept me interested.

The Crown’s Game

Evelyn Skye

Genre: Historical Fantasy, YA

SO. EXCITED. TO. READ. THIS. It basically checks off all of the things I’m looking for in a book. History, people from a foreign country, fantasy, a pinch of wealth and royalty, and a trickle of romance. (Not too much romance! Bleh, just the thought of a cliche contemporary YA novel makes me want to vomit)

The Creeping

Alexandra Sirowy

Genre: Thriller, Mystery

To be honest, I’m not actually looking forward to this book that much, but a friend recommended it to me (and I always take friend recommendations seriously sometimes)

The Graces

Laure Eve

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal


It just looks so whimsical and magical. That eye though–ILLUMINATI!

Grave Mercy

Robin LaFevers

Genre: Fantasy

Strong woman showing dominance and badass-ness with a large bow in her hand while wearing a dress. Honestly, can it get any better? The summary sealed the deal.

Ruby Red

Kerstin Gier

Genre: Historical Fiction, Fantasy, Romance

I’m starting to sense a pattern here… either I have an affinity for red covers or there are just too many red historical fiction novels out there. I honestly have no idea. Y’all know the drill. Historical Fiction>all the other genres. Applies also to this book ❤


Leah Cypess

Genre: Fantasy

I love castles on covers. Plus the fact that Sarah J. Maas (one of my favorite authors) gave this book 5 stars on goodreads. She’s literally a writing goddess, so any book she gives 5 stars on, I will read it ASAP.

Secrets Under the Olive Trees

Nevien Shaabneh

Genre: Realistic Fiction

A beautiful book that encourages diversity and gives you a peek into the Palestinian life. Based on the goodreads reviews, it’s an amazing book. Plus it doesn’t hurt that the author IS AN ENGLISH TEACHER AT MY SCHOOL! I mean, how cool is that?!


With Love,


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